Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our first Monkey Mission!

Hello! I'm so happy to get this website off the ground (FINALLY!). I'm just going to jump straight into Monkey Business, and please feel free to browse around the site some more to find out what we are all about. More content and info will be coming soon, but this is a very busy time of year for us, so please be patient while we get everything up and running.

I've had the idea for Monkeys on a Mission for a while now. Sock monkeys have made me happy since two of my good friends (and roommates) introduced me to them in college. I couldn't think of a better way to make other people happy, too. Since I'm the busy homeschooling mom of an extremely energetic boy, however, ideas often take some time to come to fruition.

Then, I heard about what Jade Sims was doing over at Craft Hope. She is collecting sock monkeys to give to children who lost their homes to the wildfires in Texas this year. There were something like 1600 homes destroyed, families lost everything. What an awesome first project for Monkeys on a Mission!

I made ten monkeys for this project, and my son, the Chief, helped me pick out eyes and "scarves" for them.

Here are ten little monkeys, getting ready for their trip to Texas.

Here's one big monkey, testing the others out for huggability. He approves!

Check back for details on our next Monkey Mission, coming soon!


  1. Love this!! The sock monkeys are adorable (polka dot one is my fave) but The Chief takes the cake with that face. Such a love!

    Good luck on all of your missions!

  2. A few people have commented on that polka dotted monkey. i'll have to se if I can find more of those socks.

    The Chief is in heaven with the monkeys. I let him pick out whichever one I'm going to work on next, and he helps pick out the design and whatever embellishment they get.

  3. I should have consulted you when I tried to make my recent sock monkey. My kids love it, but I think it's absolutely terrifying.

    Your sock monkeys, however, are absolutely adorable (I especially like the red stripey one), and I love that you're sending them on such a noble mission!

  4. LOL the first monkey I made was a bit... strange, as well. Its bum ended up on its side, it was all contorted strangely. My son thought it was great though. There is one in the box that I was called "Muscle Monkey" because I overstuffed his arms. Sock monkeys seem to be a pretty forgiving medium ;).

    OK, I had to type a few of those words like three times, and all the "its" were "it's." I think it is time for bed! Thanks for the comment!
